
Twas the week after Christmas...

Twas the week after Christmas and all through the city,
Not a person was pleased with their weight, what a pity.
A Fitness Trainer devised such a plan,
To fight our love handles and be the best that we can.
So wipe off that frown and post Christmas blues,
2011 has a plan just for you!
9 weeks of heart thumping, lifting, and sweating,
Muscle toning, stretching, and a whole lot of begging.
No mercy will be shown for that pecan pie belly.
If you have any questions you need to call Shelley


Couch Potato to RED HOT Tomato

January 10 – March 10

Mon, Wed, Thurs
9:00 am
Mon, Tues, Thurs
5:45 pm

All class access
Body Composition (before and after)
Weekly weigh in


2011 Get Your Health on PROGRAM!

Couch Potato to Red Hot Tomato!




January 10 – March 10
Program Includes
9 weeks (all class access)
Body composition (before & after)
Nutrition Accountability
Weekly weigh in
Stretching DVD

9:00 am (Monday, Wednesday & Thursday)
5:45 pm (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday)

Contact Shelley


Can't I just eat less and skip meals?

It's naturally what we want to do - but it's not quite right. "I must lose weight so I'm gonna starve myself". This is where things get a bit confusing. Starve the body too much, and it gets the hint and slows down - you'll feel irritable, fatigued, and begin to lose muscle as well as fat. After clawing your way through hunger pangs and dreams of food, the chances are you will binge, or start eating back how you used to. Guess what happens? The weight piles on because your body is still in "slow" mode. Fat loss is all about calorie reduction, but a calorie intake that is too low will cause problems.


Get Accountable in 2011

There are hundreds of diet books and weight loss programs out there. Many of them have terrific claims, but remember:

 There is no one-size-fits-all weight loss program.

 There are no magic bullets or miracle instant cures.

 There is absolutely EVERY chance that you can transform yourself.

 It is completely possible for you to lose the fat and get healthier.

 Believe in yourself.

Get accountable and get support. Join my "Fitness Crew" Step4ward Fitness Training can help you, encourage you, and reach your goals.

I know that step is not easy, believe me I have been training for 20+ years.  However, I have yet to meet anyone who followed through with their initial step that was unhappy with their weight loss & strength gains.

Do it! Make the Change!


New Year Resolutions! STOP joking with yourself

It comes the time of year when people begin “declaring change” will happen this year. For most, January first is RESOLUTION time.

Does your past resolutions resemble the following?
2004: I will get my weight down below 180
2005: I will watch my calories until I get below 190
2006: I will follow my new diet religiously until I get below 200
2007: I will try to develop a realistic attitude about my weight
2008: I will work out 5 days a week
2009: I will work out 3 days a week
2010: I will try to drive past a gym at least once a week

Are you sick of making the same resolutions year after year and yet never keep them?

Here are some resolutions that you can actually accomplish!
1. Read less
2. Put on at least 30 pounds
3. Stop exercising
4. Watch more TV
5. Procrastinate more
6. Drink 5 Dr Peppers a day & not the diet stuff
7. Partially hydrogenated – Oh YES
8. Spend more time at work
9. Eat out more
10. and last but not least...Take up a new habit: maybe smoking!

Enough joking...
Need help following through with your 2011 healthy living resolutions, you should try an accountability partner that will not let you off the hook!

Free consultation for those who are serious about making a difference


Will being a Vegetarian help me lose weight?

"If I become a vegetariarn will I lose weight?"

Some vegetarians become carbohydraters, meaning they fill the void of good for you lean meats with processed starches. Examples would be french fries and breads.These choices do not fill you for long and you will end up eating more. The secret to a slim vegetarian isn't isn't what they don't eat it's what they do eat. Lots and lots of water - rich veggies which have most of the nutrients, as well as filling fiber (and you know my attitudeon fiber!)

Whether you eat meat or not remember to fill your plate three quarters with PRODUCE at every meal!
Happy eating


Get MORE Fiber

Most of us hear the word fiber and automatically think of unappetizing foods. Fortunately, with the advancements in food technology our generation has been freed from health foods that taste like cardboard!
There are two types of fiber. For optimal benefits, you should get enough of both in your diet.

Soluble fiber dissolves in water and has been linked with lowering levels of “bad” low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. Insoluble fiber cleans out your gut and is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

A diet high in fiber has many health benefits. Besides being important for digestive health, fiber is most famous for reducing cholesterol and preventing diseases related to high cholesterol. There are also indications that a high-fiber diet improves glucose tolerance. Fiber is also beneficial for weight loss. The large, bulky molecule structure increases your sense of being full without adding any calories. It also slows the emptying of your stomach, further prolonging that sense of satisfaction so that you won’t eat as frequently.

The current daily recommendation for adults is 20 – 30 grams each day.


Move More

Make it a daily challenge to find ways to move your body. Climb stairs if given a choice. Walk your dog; chase your kids; toss balls with friends, mow the lawn. Anything that moves your limbs is not only a fitness tool, it's a stress buster. Think 'move' in small increments of time. It doesn't have to be an hour in the gym or a 45-minute aerobic class or tai chi or kickboxing. But that's great when you're up to it. Meanwhile, move more. Old thinking was to work out in a sweat-filled gym for hours a day. No pain, no gain. New studies show that even short bouts of activity can increase your fitness level, especially if you're new at working out.

How Do I Decrease My Body Fat?

Weight loss alone won’t necessarily lead to huge decreases in body fat since weight loss without exercise will lead to decreases in lean mass as well. If you really want to decrease your body fat percentage you’ve got to eat better, do cardiovascular exercise AND remember to do resistance training to build up your lean mass, otherwise about 25% of every pound you lose will come from lean, calorie-burning muscle.
It is no surprise that consumers want to know how much body fat they should expect to lose. Most experts agree that a 1% loss per month is safe and doable (1-2 pounds per week). However, it is important to recognize that most methods of measuring body fat (such as calipers, bioelectrical impedance analysis, etc) are prone to measurement error and detection of small changes in body fat percentage is just as likely due to this error as it is an actual change in body fat. Thus, it’s best to wait a couple of months to recheck body composition to see if you’ve made progress.

If you would like to get a baseline body composition contact Shelley at



The proof is in the pudding: women who exercise with weights not only look great but more importantly they feel great! According to IDEAfit these women will reap the benefits:
• Research shows that the average woman who strength trains 2 to 3 times a week for eight weeks gains 1.75 lbs of lean weight and loses 3.5 lbs of fat.

• Muscle gained from strength training helps raise your resting metabolism, which means you burn more calories throughout the day.

• Moderate weight training can increase a woman's strength by 30 to 50 percent. This increased strength makes regular daily activities easier.

• After graduating from high school, you had all the bone density you'll have-unless you strength train. Weight training places stress on bones encouraging them to become stronger. Regular weight training can increase bone density by 13 percent in six months... a great defense against osteoporosis.

• Lifting weights can improve your cholesterol and blood pressure, provided it also includes cardiovascular exercise.

• A recent study showed that strengthening low-back muscles had an 80 percent success rate in alleviating low-back pain.

• A Harvard study found that 10 weeks of strength training reduced clinical depression symptoms. In addition, many women reported feeling more confident and capable about themselves.


Create Change in your Life

Start Creating the Positive Change in your Life!

This is all about becoming “Stronger & Healthier Today than Yesterday” Learning different ways to be all that we are meant be & feel good for it. Knowing each day that passes is a day we will never get back can be depressing when the next day is the “same”.

I would like to encourage each of you to join me & a great group of men & women as we work together to achieve positive change in our lifestyle.

Classes are offered M-F 6:00 am, MWTH 9:00 am & MTW at 5:45 pm
The 6:00 am class is a new opportunity. If it goes over well enough – we will get one started.

Many of the participants are going through a detox plan this week. They have received a nutrition plan to follow as well as try to make the classes as much through the week as they can.

Invite a friend to join you for a free session & let me help you CREATE CHANGE!

Look forward to your first step



Step4ward Fitness Training: Detox Basics

Step4ward Fitness Training: Detox Basics: "What is detox? Detox, short for detoxification, is the body's natural, ongoing process of neutralizing or eliminating toxins from the body. ..."


Exercise Benefits for Midlife Women

Exercise does wonderful things for people of every age. Many exercise benefits are especially helpful to women as they navigate the transitions typical of midlife journeys -- transitions that involve changing hormone levels, changing bodies and changing lifestyles.

Helps prevent midlife weight gain

Many people notice a steady weight gain during their midlife years. While some experts believe this weight gain may be caused in part by hormonal changes, others argue it is most likely due to a decreasing amount of muscle tissue, which in turn causes a decline in the number of calories you burn each day.

Why do we lose muscle tissue over the years? While some of this loss is part of the aging process, more may be attributed to inactivity. Remember the "use it or lose it" rule? Studies show that women who stay active throughout midlife have similar amounts of muscle tissue, similar metabolic rates and little midlife weight gain when compared to younger women. In other words, if you keep using those muscles, you will hold on to more of your muscle tissue as you age.

Whether you wish to prevent or reverse midlife weight gain, the answer is that old familiar refrain: exercise regularly and eat a healthful diet.

Improves sleep and lifts fatigue

Many midlife women complain of trouble sleeping and daytime fatigue. While exercise may not prevent night sweats and hot flashes, it can improve sleep quality and daytime energy levels.

Helps prevent and treat depression

Although depression is no more common during midlife than at any other time of a woman's life, women do seek treatment for depression twice as often as men. Many symptoms of depression, such as muscle and joint pains, irritability, fatigue, changes in appetite and changes in sleeping habits, may be related to sleep disturbances. Midlife mood changes may also be related to changes in brain chemistry that occur with aging. Depression sometimes develops in response to loss, for example the death or illness of close friends and family members. In some cases, midlife depression is related to changing self-concept and life roles, as in the "empty nest" syndrome when women miss mothering their children who have grown up and left home. Whatever the cause, exercise combined with appropriate therapy helps relieve depression and its symptoms.

Boosts self-confidence

Exercise helps you look and feel your best at any age. Many midlife women get a tremendous boost in self-confidence after starting an exercise program.

Slows bone loss

A woman's bone density begins to decline even before her midlife years, and this loss accelerates after menopause. All forms of exercise offer some protection against bone loss.

Helps prevent chronic health problems

Many health concerns become more of a reality in midlife. Fortunately, regular physical activity helps to prevent or delay the onset of a number of common chronic health conditions, including high blood pressure, Type II diabetes and artery disease.

What type of exercise program is best?

An exercise program you can stick to is the best one to start. You may wish to work with a personal trainer to be sure your exercise program addresses your particular health concerns, fitness goals and lifestyle. Exercise aerobically and perform strength-training exercises. Stretch after your workouts to maintain flexibility. Most important, find activities you enjoy and have fun!


Frozen Foods for Summer Running

Refuel and rehydrate with homemade frozen pops.
By Liz Applegate Ph.D.

Runner's World

Running in the heat can be draining. Frozen sweets are a happy solution to the problem of refueling and rehydrating: They're refreshing, and they can provide carbs, protein, antioxidants, and vitamins. The frozen dessert aisle doesn't always have the healthiest choices, though, so make your own and customize each to your taste.


In a blender, whirl together one cup plain or flavored kefir, one cup mixed summer fruit (try berries, peaches, and plums), and one tablespoon honey. Pour into molds—I like Tovolo's shooting star pop molds, which have a fun retro shape ($12 at surlatable.com).Freeze for three hours.

YOU GET: Kefir provides calcium, protein, and probiotics, which can boost immune health. The fruit is loaded with antioxidants that aid in muscle recovery.

Dip a peeled banana in fruit-flavored yogurt; roll it in chopped almonds on wax paper. Insert a Popsicle stick in an end. Wrap in wax paper. Freeze three hours.

YOU GET: Potassium in the bananas helps with fluid recovery postexercise. Vitamin E-rich almonds work as an antioxidant, lessening muscle soreness.

Blend together one cup of 100 percent juice (try a mix, such as pineapple, orange, and cranberry) with one cup of fruit chunks or slices (with any edible peel still on), such as peaches, mango, and strawberries. Pour into pop molds and freeze for three hours.

YOU GET: The fruit and juices provide re-energizing carbohydrates, potassium, and an array of antioxidants, including anthocyanins, which are found in red and purple fruits and help protect muscle cells.

Empty three cartons of low-fat or fat-free pudding snack cups into a blender; then add one cup of your favorite fruit and blend to make a creamy combination. Try banana with chocolate pudding, or blueberries with vanilla pudding. Spoon into pop molds and freeze.

YOU GET: The low-fat pudding provides a dose of calcium and protein, which speeds recovery from workouts, while the fruit packs antioxidants and carbohydrates to help refuel muscles.

A Little Less Sinful
Lower-calorie, lower-fat options for every craving

CONE—Go for The Skinny Cow Ice Cream Cone (150 calories, 3 g fat) instead of a Nestle Drumstick (290 calories, 16 g fat).

CHOCOLATE—Go for a Fudgsicle (60 calories, 1.5 g fat) instead of a Klondike Bar (250 calories, 14 g fat).

FRUIT—Go for Julie's Organic Sorbet Blackberry Bar (60 calories, 0 g fat) instead of a Creamsicle (70 calories, 1 g fat).

SANDWICH—Go for a Klondike Slim-a-Bear Vanilla Sandwich (100 calories, 1.5 g fat) instead of an Entenmann's Brownie Sundae Sandwich (320 calories, 14 g fat).


Fitness Can Offset Fatness

To all the Americans deemed obese by the guidelines announced by the National Institute of Health. Don't panic.

"The good news is that you can have a high body mass index (BMI - a relative measure of body height to body weight) and can actually be healthier than someone who is thin but sedentary," says The American Council on Exercise (ACE).

BMI uses total body weight (not separate estimates of fat and lean body mass) in the calculation; it does not discriminate between the over-fat and the athletic, more muscular body type. Therefore, the percentage of fat mass and muscle mass should be taken into consideration when evaluating one's BMI.

The well-muscled and conditioned person with a high BMI will have a lesser health risk than the over-fat person with the same BMI. Research consistently shows that you can reduce health risk factors and build important muscle with regular exercise even if you don't lose weight.

Don't get stuck on where your weight is supposed to be or on your BMI score, states ACE. (over weight is defined as a BMI of 25 - 29.9 and obesity as a BMI of 30-plus. For instance, a BMI of 30 is about 30 pounds overweight and equivalent to 22l pounds in a 6' person, or l86 pounds in someone 5'6".")

Concentrate instead on building the good habits that lead to a healthy lifestyle. For weight loss, this means undertaking some form of physical activity four to five times a week.

A shortcoming of dieting in the absence of exercise is that when weight is lost, it's usually muscle as well as fat. As much as 25 percent of weight lost by dieting alone is lean body mass. When dieting is combined with exercise, chances are greater you'll lose more fat and less muscle.

BMI is only a rough indicator of body composition, ask a qualified fitness professional to help determine whether you're truly too fat. Step4wardFitness.com can do that for you. Contact me!


Do you feel so exhausted that you just can’t face your exercise?

Your diet—rather than simple sloth—may be the problem. If you tend to skip meals in an attempt to save calories, you may be robbing yourself of important fuel for your workout. While skipping meals may temporarily make your stomach feel flatter, doing so can also leave you feeling tired, irritable and unfocused. Then, you’ll be tempted to forego your noontime workout, or go home, eat and stretch out on the couch in front of the TV.
If, however, you follow some simple, sensible dietary practices throughout your day, you’ll get that workout done. And rather than feeling lightheaded and exhausted afterward, you’ll be energized and refreshed.

Stay with Feel-good Foods

One key to staying motivated to exercise is to keep the amount of sugar in your blood—and thus, your energy level—stable to prevent ups and downs. You can best do that by eating a series of small meals throughout the day that are composed of complex carbohydrates, such as whole grain breads, beans and other vegetables, whole grain crackers and fruit.

Eating complex carbohydrates helps keep your blood sugar stable because they are digested and absorbed slowly into the blood and don’t require your pancreas to produce much insulin. Refined carbohydrates, such as potato chips, doughnuts and cookies, are absorbed very quickly and trigger the pancreas to produce large amounts of insulin. So, while they may give you an initial boost, your energy will drop off quickly, and your mood will follow.

The amount of sugar in your blood is also related to the amount of serotonin in your brain. Serotonin is an important chemical called a neurotransmitter that helps to regulate mood. If your level of serotonin is where it should be, you’ll have a sense of well-being and confidence—and feel ready to tackle that workout. Should it drop, you may feel tired and depressed. If you often experience a craving for carbs, this may be your brain’s way of telling you it needs more serotonin.

Early Birds

Suppose you’re an early bird, and your best time to work out is in the morning before you go to work. For quick energy, drink some juice upon rising. Once you’ve completed your workout, have a more solid breakfast of whole-wheat cereal or toast and fruit to fuel your concentration for the morning’s work. If you work out and eat too lightly, chances are you’ll get “the drowsies” by 2 p.m., if not sooner.

Keep in mind that finding the right combination of food and drink to energize your workout —whatever time of day you choose—may take some experimenting. It all depends upon your individual tastes and your metabolism. With a little patience, an open mind and a little creativity, you’ll determine which foods suit you best.

You’ll keep your motivation to exercise if you:

• Have a glass of juice to boost your energy before a morning workout.
• Eat a breakfast that includes whole grains and fruit.
• Eat small, frequent small meals and snacks during the day to maintain your blood sugar.
• Make sure to have a light, healthy snack an hour before your noon or after-work workout.
• Stay hydrated, keeping a water bottle at your desk at work.
• Limit the amount of caffeine in your diet.

This info comes from American Council on Exercise


Save Time & Maximize Your Workout

For an athlete short on time, using multi-joint movement exercises is more time efficient than single-joint movements, says a report. Instead of performing a leg extension, for example, opt for a squat. This exercise not only works the quadriceps, it also works the lower back, hamstrings, gluteus, and calves.

Other time factors to watch for:
• For most lifters, a multiple-set workout (2-4 sets) is more beneficial than a single-set workout. If you don't have time to perform multiple sets on all your targeted areas in a workout, focus on a different area each workout. You'll see greater results in the long run.

• If you want to get the most out of your workout, pick a weight that allows you to perform 8-12 repetitions. Make sure the weight causes you to be near exhaustion on the last repetition. For example, if you're lifting 100 pounds, you should be able to properly lift the weight seven times, and should reach exhaustion between repetitions eight and 12.

• High repetitions with light to moderate load promote muscular endurance, but do not produce muscular strength. A workout focused on moderate load and moderate repetitions (8-12) promotes muscular growth. A workout focused on fewer repetitions (1-6) with a heavy load is best for strength gains but should only be used by experienced people who have been training for at least one to two years.

• Circuit training, which consists of continuous movement from one exercise to another with little or no rest in between each exercise, is a great way to maximize your workout time. To get the best results, the entire circuit should be repeated more than once in a workout. By comparison, single weight training requires you to perform one set of repetitions, rest 30 seconds to 90 seconds, and repeat eight to 12 times before moving on to the next exercise. Single weight training is preferred for building strength.

It is always a good idea to check with your doctor before starting an exercise program. Then use a qualified Personal Trainer to ensure you are performing at your best. :)


Bikini Bottom Blast OFF!




Pool parties, beach vacations, and water park adventures…ahhh the joys of summer are almost upon us! Are you swim suit READY? Of course you do not have to sport a bikini…however no matter what you choose (Ladies - one piece, tankini, bikini or Men – Bermuda’s or speedo) …the question remains – Is your bottom ready to be seen?

START the Blast
5:45 pm people June 1 Tuesday
9:00 am people June 2 Wednesday

END Summer
August 25 & 26

Program Consists:

35 workouts
Plus 6 Saturdays (average 2 per month)
Body Compositions, fitness testing, and nutrition HELP!

9:00 am
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday

5:45 pm
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday

You are welcome to come to any and all classes. If you miss your morning come to the evening & vice versa. Note the difference on Tues & Thurs from morning to night. If you are able you can come to both.

Contact me for more info


The Power of Positive Thinking

If attitude is half the battle in losing weight, how can you trade your negative outlook for a positive one?
One thing that helps me though the days is this, I look at myslef in the mirror & tell myself good things about myself. Sure there are plenty of negatives to shout out, however, what good does that do me. I have people in my life that will remind me of the things I don't do right! I need self talk that is strong enough to overload the negative obstacles in my daily living!  AMEN!
Believing in yourself is both the hardest and most necessary ingredient in successfully changing your lifestyle. But, erasing years of negative thought is easier said than done.

Negative self-talk, the conversation you have with yourself in which you convince yourself you're not capable of achieving your goals, is at the root of the problem.

How often have you told yourself, "I can't do this", "Who am I kidding?" or "I won't stick with it, I never do."

It's a self-defeating habit that keeps you frozen in your tracks. Negative self-talk is part of a defense mechanism individuals develop to protect themselves from having to experience feelings and emotions they fear as unpleasant. Frequently, people focus on their past performances and failures as being predictive of how they will act in the future. This gives your past experiences the power to dictate who you are today.

The first step toward positive thinking is erasing the negative thoughts that poke holes in your confidence. Before you can accomplish this you must become aware of the negative self-talk as soon as possible. Next, retrace to find where it came from and why. When you confront the fear or emotion, it loses its power over you.

Once you realize this, you've cleared the way for positive thinking. Unlike negative self-talk, positive thinking focuses on what's right rather than what's wrong.

Positive thinkers affirm themselves; they tell themselves they're worthwhile, in control and headed toward success. They visualize themselves as they want to be. In fact, mental visualization can help speed the process of change. The mind is a powerful tool. What you put your attention on grows.

The best time for visualization is in the morning just after awakening or at night just before sleeping. Both times are good because the mind and body are often relaxed and receptive. These are perfect times to think light and see yourself as a lean, capable, happy and confident person.

Create a detailed picture that best defines your image of success, whether you're gracefully sweating your way through an exercise class or ordering a low-fat meal at your favorite restaurant.

In addition, you may want to take a moment to write down all your positive attributes. Post them where you can see them every day to remind yourself that you're worth the effort.


Forging Your Character

Sometimes...I just can't sleep. Ever been laying in bed while your eyelashes hold up the ceiling. This leads me to the one "friend" who is up 24/7....the internet. How easy it is to start reading ONE thing, an hour passes & you find your computer fingers have led you far from where you started. At least I hope I am not the only one that becomes a lost in space victim (cyberspace that is).

Anyway, I came across a short article that was simple & a good read. Wanted to pass it on to you. The following words are from Jim Rohn. 

Personal success is built on the foundation of character, and character is the result of hundreds and hundreds of choices you may make that gradually turn who you are at any given moment into who you want to be. If that decision-making process is not present, you'll still be somebody-you'll still be alive-but you may have a personality rather than a character, and to me that's something very different.

Character isn't something you were born with and can't change, like your fingerprints. It's something you must take responsibility for forming. You build character by how you respond to what happens in your life, whether it's winning every game, losing every game, getting rich or dealing with hard times.

You build character from certain qualities that you must create and diligently nurture within yourself, just like you would plant and water a seed or gather wood to build a campfire. You've got to look for those things in your heart and in your gut. You've got to chisel away in order to find them, just like chiseling away rock to create the sculpture that previously existed only in the imagination.

But the really amazing thing about character is that, if you're sincerely committed to making yourself into the person you want to be, you'll not only create those qualities, you'll strengthen them and re-create them in abundance, even as you're drawing on them every day of your life. That's why building your character is vital to becoming all you can be.


Top 10 Best & Worst Food 4 UR Kids

10 of the Worst Children's Foods
1.  Soda pop
2.  Whole milk
3.  Hamburgers
4.  American cheese
5.  Hot dogs
6.  French fries and Tater Tots
7.  Ice cream
8.  Pizza loaded with cheese and meat
9.  Bologna
10.  Chocolate bars

10 of the Best Children's Foods

1.  Fresh fruits and vegetables
(especially carrot sticks, cantaloupe, oranges, watermelon, strawberries)
2.  Chicken breast and drumstick without skin or breading
3.  Cheerios, Wheaties, or other whole-grain, low-sugar cereals
4.  Skim or 1 percent milk
5.  Extra-lean ground beef  or vegetarian burgers (Gardenburgers or Green Giant Harvest Burgers)
6.  Low-fat hot dogs
7.  Non-fat ice cream or frozen yogurt
8.  Baked corn chips or potato chips
9.  Seasoned air-popped popcorn
10. Whole wheat crackers or Small World Animal Crackers

By theway....this can just as easiy go for teenagers, adults, seniors....Yea I am talking to you too!



PROJECT: HEAR ME ROAR! (not just for the ladies)

So your belly’s looking more like a laundry bag than a washboard. You made a New Year’s resolution– for the eighth year running – to lose enough girth to take your clothes out of the Museum of Waist lines (formerly known as your closet). Did you mean for that resolution to become an annual April Fool’s joke you play on yourself?

You say you really do want to lose that belly, perhaps even develop some abdominal definition in the process? The good news - it is possible! All it takes is some time, discipline, hard work, and most important, a different approach to your lifestyle.

Your first task (and fortunately, your easiest) is to stop thinking about your waistline in the abstract; there is no such thing as spot reducing. No known diet will blast fat off a particular body part. Your second task (a bit more challenging) is to commit to get fit. Stop finding excuses to NOT take care of yourself. And your third task (the most difficult) is to follow through with your decision. Do it! Sweat, have fun, and Get ‘er done!

Sign up if you are:

Absolutely ready to make changes,
Committed to 6 weeks of total wellness training,
Dedicated to exercise 3 days a week (NO excuses), Motivated to the program 7 days a week!

START (of the Beginning)
April 14 Wednesday at 9:30 am
April 15 Thursday at 5:45 pm

END the 6 weeks (but not the end of the road)
May 26 Wednesday at 9:30 am
May 27 Thursday at 5:45

What will we do? Time of COMMITMENT (scarey word huh?)
Fitness assessments, body composition, variety of workouts, build friendships, laugh allot, sweat and groan, maybe even some tears, and a great sense of accomplishment!


Monday9:30a Do IT! (Interval Training)
5:45p Kick Boxing

9:00a Strength 4 U (Circuit Training) (meets in Perkins)
5:45p Do IT! (Interval Training)

9:30a Whole Body Training
5:45p Whole Body Training

9:00a H.O.T (Healthy Outside Training)
5:45p H.O.T

Saturday (special occasion)
9:00a Sole Mates – walk and jog together

Locations vary…once signed up I will let you in on “the secret locations”
If you need a different time & can gather some friends then “walla” I can make it happen!


“Do it yourself” at home workouts by email (6 total, one each week)
At home stretches to follow, Nutrition tips, and surprise workouts as bonus

Price you ask?

I prefer to think of it as an investment towards your health :) 6 weeks all inclusive! $120


Magic Potion??

Some dieters pin their hopes on pills and capsules that promise to "burn," "block," "flush," or otherwise eliminate fat from the system. But science has yet to come up with a low-risk "magic bullet" for weight loss. Some pills may help control the appetite, but they can have serious side effects. Other pills are utterly worthless.

Google weight loss pills and you will find page after page of sites claiming to have “the one” that will make you thin. There is already a site for “2010 Top 10 Weight Loss Pills!” There will be a whole crop of pills for 2011. And people will still be spending $100 a month on “THE NEW ONE.”

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and a number of state Attorney General have successfully brought cases against marketers of pills claiming to absorb or burn fat. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has banned 111 ingredients once found in over-the-counter diet products. None of these substances, which include alcohol, caffeine, dextrose, and guar gum, have proved effective in weight-loss or appetite suppression.

If that doesn’t have you convinced, take a look around you. If there was an over the counter pill that actually burned the fat while you watch t.v…..why are there so many overweight people.

The reality is we need to eat a little less and move a little more. That is the healthiest and cheapest way to get “thin”. Stop finding excuses to not take care of your body. You were only given one (you do not have an extra in the closet). Stop wasting money on late night infomercials that make quick promises. You are better off spending that money on a well trained Personal Trainer that will teach you how to make lifestyle changes for a healthier, thinner, more educated YOU!


Will Power or Time?

So you walk a little today, get your heart rate up, you lift a few weights, you eat a little differently, then tomorrow morning you wake up and look in the mirror… and see the same old flubber. You have to be pretty well along the path to see any significant results. What keeps you doing this simple thing, day after day?
Some say it’s will power! You just need more will power. A friend of mine used to say that people on diets who complain that they lack will power are usually suffering more from a lack of won’t power! For most people, will power ends up looking and feeling like some sort of grim self-tyranny, and involves creating an elaborate reward-and-punishment system.

Do you want to change? If so, I can tell you how to tap into the most powerful force for change there is. Would you like to know? Here it is: TIME. Position your daily actions so time is working for instead of against you.

What keeps you on the path is your understanding of the secret of time. If I stay on this road long enough, I’ll get the result I seek. It’s not a question of your mood, your feeling or your attitude. And it’s not a question of will power. It’s a question of simply knowing.

When you enter a darkened room, why does your hand reach out for the light switch? Because you know that when you hit the switch, the light will go on. You don’t have to give yourself positive self-talk about how you really ought to hit that light switch, or set up a system of rewards and punishments around whether you follow through or not with hitting the light switch. You don’t need any rigmarole; you just hit the switch. Because you know what will happen.

It’s the exact same thing here; you walk a little every day, lift a few weights, eat a little better, (hit the light switch) because you know it will make you healthy (the light will turn on).

The Best Time to Exercise

Before Breakfast

Clears the fog so you can begin your day refreshed & alert.
You have to take a shower anyway.
Outside exercisers can enjoy the peace & quiet of the early morning.
Done in the morning, exercise is "out of the way."

Before Lunch

Enables you to work off morning tensions.
Can help curb your appetite.
Refreshes you to meet the afternoon demands.

Before Dinner

Clears the day's tensions.
Helps you avoid "just home from the office" binging & snacking.
Can help curb your dinner appetite.
Refreshes you for evening activities.

Before Bed

Can help you relax & clear your mind of the day's problems so you can sleep more soundly.



When Stress Triggers Overeating

In addition to keeping us alive, eating serves countless psychological, social and cultural purposes. We eat to celebrate and comfort. When people eat in response to emotional drives, such as feeling stressed, bored or tired, rather than in response to true physical hunger, it is called emotional eating.

Eating and stress
Stress often throws a wrench into balanced lifestyles, interfering with plans to exercise, eat well and stay organized. Stress commonly affects appetite and food choices. Under stress, some people lose their appetite, while some people remain unaffected and others find themselves eating more than usual.

Increase self-awareness
If you tend to overeat when you are stressed, self-monitoring will help change this behavior. Emotional eaters who monitor their eating behaviors often find that the drive to eat masks unpleasant feelings, such as anxiety, depression, loneliness, fatigue, boredom and anger. They learn to differentiate between "mouth hunger" or emotional eating, and "stomach hunger" or true physical hunger. They uncover situations and feelings that trigger overeating.

Address sources of triggers
If stress triggers overeating, address the sources of stress. Look for solutions to problems at hand, talk them over with a friend, or write in a journal. Acknowledge and address feelings of depression, anger or anxiety. Do whatever you can to reduce feelings of stress.

Most people find that overeating tends to occur in specific places and specific times. A common time is at home during the evening. Possible solutions include engaging in a hobby that keeps your mind and hands busy, such as going out and exercising.

Exercise daily
Exercise reduces stress, helps control appetite, gives you energy and improves sleep quality. All of these factors help reduce emotional eating.

Get more R & R
Fatigue is one of the most common causes of overeating. Getting plenty of rest and relaxation helps manage stress and reduce overeating. Some emotional eaters find that they overeat because eating is the only time they relax, enjoy life and reward themselves. These folks can learn to enlarge their repertoire of "healthy pleasures" so that they have other ways to nurture themselves besides eating.

Avoid restrictive diets
Diets that are very low in calories (fewer than 1,400 calories per day) or that restrict certain food groups are psychologically self-defeating, often leading to food cravings and too much focus on food and eating. Have you ever noticed that the more you think about not eating the more you want to eat? Such diets also rarely lead to long-term weight control and good health.


Flexible Benefits

We take part in aerobic activity to improve our cardiovascular endurance and burn fat. We weight-train to maintain lean muscle tissue and build strength. Those are the two most important elements of a fitness program, right?

Actually, there are three important elements. Often neglected is flexibility training. That neglect is regrettable, because flexibility training:

• Allows greater freedom of movement and improved posture

• Increases physical and mental relaxation

• Releases muscle tension and soreness

• Reduces risk of injury

Some people are naturally more flexible. Flexibility is primarily due to one's genetics, gender, age and level of physical activity. As we grow older, we tend to lose flexibility, usually as a result of inactivity rather than the aging process itself. The less active we are, the less flexible we are likely to be. As with cardiovascular endurance and muscle strength, flexibility will improve with regular training.

Stretch For Success

Before stretching, take a few minutes to warm up as stretching cold muscles can cause injury. Begin with a simple, low-intensity warm-up, such as easy walking while swinging the arms in a wide circle. Spend at least 5 to 10 minutes warming up prior to stretching.

When performing any stretch:

• Start each stretch slowly, exhaling as you gently stretch the muscle.

• Try to hold each stretch for at least 10 to 30 seconds.

Avoid these stretching mistakes:

• Don't bounce a stretch. Holding a stretch is more effective and there is less risk of injury.

• Don't stretch a muscle that is not warmed up.

• Don't strain or push a muscle too far. If a stretch hurts, ease up.

• Don't hold your breath.

Fitting Stretching Into A Compressed Schedule

Time constraints keep many people from stretching. Some complain they just don't have time to stretch; others hurry out of their fitness classes before the cool-down exercises are completed. Ideally, at least 30 minutes, three times per week, should be spent on flexibility training. But even a mere five minutes of stretching at the end of an exercise session is better than nothing. And all aerobic activity should be followed by at least a few minutes of stretching.

Here are some tips for fitting stretching into an overstuffed schedule:

1. If you don't have time to sufficiently warm up before stretching, try doing a few stretches immediately after a shower or while soaking in a hot tub. The hot water elevates muscle temperature enough to make them more pliable and receptive to stretching.

2. Try a few simple stretches before getting out of bed in the morning. Wake yourself up with a few full-body stretches by pointing the toes and reaching the arms above your head. This can clear your mind and help jump-start your morning.

3. Take a stretching class such as yoga or tai chi. Scheduling a class will help you to stick with a regular stretching program.


Want to Lose Weight? Then Pay Attention!

Picture this: You're sitting in a movie theater, popcorn and soda in hand, chatting with friends and waiting for the show to start. Finally, the lights go down and you reach for the popcorn and you realize you're scraping the bottom of the barrel.
That's right — you managed to eat the whole thing while you weren't paying attention.

The good news is you're not alone. A new study of healthy-weight women revealed that even restrained eaters consumed significantly more calories when they were distracted than when they were alone without outside stimuli.

Researchers from Hospital Hotel-Dieu in Paris, France recruited 41 women, ages 26 to 55, to eat lunch once a week under four different conditions in a laboratory setting.

They were alone without distraction, alone while listening to recorded instruction on how to focus on the taste of their food, and alone while listening to a tape of a detective story.

And they ate lunch with three other women who were also participating in the study.

Despite reporting equal levels of hunger under all four conditions, they ate considerably more calories while listening to the detective story.

Researchers recommend that people who wish to maintain or lose weight avoid eating while watching TV, talking on the phone or listening to music, all activities capable of derailing even the best weight-loss efforts.


How Old Would You Be, If You Didn't Know How Old You Were?

Think about that question. If suddenly your birth date was stricken from your memory, how old would you feel? Consider your physical health, your mental health, and most importantly, how you feel about yourself. Would you be younger or older than your birth date?

Now consider those people that you know in your life of whom it's often said, "he/she is so young for their age." Why is that? Generally these are people who are fully engaged in their lives. They "make" rather than "take" time for the things they care about-despite the same pressures we all have. Chances are they to have jobs, children, aging parents, and a mortgage. In spite of this they participate in forms of exercise, and leisure activities that they enjoy. They get sick, and have work deadlines, but get right back at it, once these pass. They also make conscious decisions about everything from their eating habits, to letting go of worry, and laughing.

Every one of us has the capability of living this way regardless of our circumstances. It takes a conscious decision to start making changes that serve us, one "simple step" at a time. Keep in mind that these do not have to be enormous, life changing habits that require a complete schedule re-write. They can include starting a bedtime ritual so you can sleep more peacefully, drinking less caffeine late in the day, bringing whole fruit to work every day, beginning a walking ritual at least twice a week, or performing some strength training exercises for 10 minutes in the evening.

Here's an exercise for you to try that can be life changing. Think about 2-3 things that you could start doing today that would have the greatest impact on your personal health, and write them down. Now look at your weekly schedule, and see where these new habits might fit, or, where you might write down a reminder for yourself, e.g. "Drink more water", "Last caffeinated beverage by 2:00 p.m." Make these appointments with yourself and treat them with the same sense of purpose that you do those with others. If you have to cancel for some reason, re-schedule immediately.

Remember to start with small changes. These are the ones that will build your confidence, and lead to larger ones. Are you younger, or older than your birth date? Start today, and start feeling younger.


“A Day for Women” in Stillwater, OK

Stillwater Women’s Business Network

“A Day for Women”

Developing your personal and professional BEST!

February 10, 2010
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Stillwater Community Center - Lowry Activity Center

Bring a friend and join us for this event!
Shop local businesses for:
Home décor, cosmetics, clothing, accessories and health & beauty services

Learn tips in:
Fitness, beauty and personal development
Lunch, Fashion Show and Drawings included
Participants: $15 per person
(Includes continental breakfast and catered lunch)

Registration Deadline: February 8, 2010
Register Online at www.ruralenterprises.com or call 405.319.8190

CareerTech, Meridian Technology Center, REI’s Women’s Business Center in OKC,
Stillwater Chamber of Commerce and The Heart Link Network


Cold weather & no school! Need not stop us!

Oh the weather outside is frightful…this workout is so delightful!
30 minutes max!

Do each of the following for one minute each
1. High knees

2. Jumping jacks or Step outs (Arms up)

3. Push Ups

4. Planks (on elbows – toes or knees)

5. Bicycles (for abdominal)

6. Squats

7. Front kicks

8. Dips (on the floor, chair, or couch)

9. Push Ups

10. Planks

11. Bicycles

12. Arm circles Forward (standing with arms straight out to side make small circles)

13. Arm circles Backward

14. Run in place

15. Lunges (alternate legs)

16. Dips

17. Push Ups

18. Plank

19. Bicycles

20. Squat hop (hop feet out then hop in)

21. Stand calf (raise as high on toes as you can & go down)

22. Butt kicks (jogging bring heel to butt)

23. Dips

24. Reach Through (stand with feel spread, reach down to floor and reach through legs & stand up) (Count would go: Down on 1, reach 2, up hands on hips 3, hands reach to ceiling on 4)

25. Stretch 5 minutes!!!

Good Luck & Get er Done!

“Stronger and Healthier Today…than Yesterday”


Natures Protein Shake

After you hit the weights, have a double. British researchers found that lifters who drank two - 15 ounce servings of milk following a workout experienced less muscle damage than those who skipped the beverage. The protein and carbohydrates in milk appear to inhibit muscle-protein breakdown and may also reduce inflamation. This effect can help you recover faster after a training session.

Got Milk!  Go for Skim.

Shift your fatty acid balance in favor of a brighter mood.

Modern diets are high in omega-6 fatty acids -- found in meat, eggs, refined grains, and corn oil -- and low in omega-3 fatty acids. New research suggests this imbalance could be a risk factor for depression. Add more mood-boosting omega-3-rich foods, such as flaxseeds, fish, and nuts, to your diet.
Omega-6s and omega-3s are forms of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Researchers have long suspected that deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids contributes to depression. Now, a new study reveals that the balance between omega-3s and omega-6s may influence depression risk. In the study, brain cell membranes of depressed rats had elevated levels of arachidonic acid, a type of omega-6, in certain areas. Nondepressed rats had lower levels. The amount of omega-3s in the brains of both depressed and nondepressed rats, however, did not differ significantly. Omega-6s are found in abundance in red meat, poultry, refined grains, and certain fats such as corn oil and margarine. Balance your intake of these foods with your intake of omega-3s found in fatty fish, canola oil, flaxseeds, soybeans, and nuts.


Get Trim in 2010

When the Oklahoma wind blows a 10 degree wind chill, some of us would rather hibernate than exercise. But this New Year, resolve to be a healthy weight and knock off the pounds put on in 2009, ‘08, ‘07.

Tips to get you rollin’

1. Five small meals a day for weight loss

After age 20, your metabolism slows down by about 10 percent every decade, which could be one reason you gain weight when you eat like you did when you were younger. This metabolic decline can be reversed by adopting the habit of eating five small meals a day instead of three larger ones. It is never a good idea to eat a large meal at one sitting because your body can only use a certain amount of calories and will store the rest as fat. It is also never a good idea to eat only one meal a day or none at all; eating very little food confuses your body into thinking it is starving and slows down your metabolism, resulting in weight gain in the long run. YIKES!

2. Lose weight without losing the nutrients

Focus on nutrition, not on dieting. To many of us, the word "diet" may conjure up images of giving up foods we enjoy and eating bland foods. Depriving the body of food or going to extremes with a few recommended foods goes against our metabolism. Even if your diet has you losing weight, the results generally don't last when you are missing valuable nutrients, which will have a negative impact on your body in the long run.

3. More liquids, less weight

If you haven't been drinking enough water, your body may have developed a pattern of storing water. This water retention equals extra unwanted weight. By increasing fluids, you are flushing out toxins and teaching your body that it no longer needs to store water. If the thought of plain water makes your nose go in the air, add lemon slices, just avoid adding chemical flavors. Think clean.

4. A slimming morning ritual

Never skip breakfast! The morning is when your body needs energy the most, and then your body has the rest of the day to burn the calories off. Stick to healthy foods.

5. Get physical

Everyone knows that exercise is an important component in weight loss. Physical activity speeds up your metabolism and burns excess calories. If your goal is to slim down, be as physically active as possible. Always choose the stairs over the elevator, and use your legs instead of a vehicle whenever you can.

Make exercise fun for yourself, grab your friends or make new ones and join a group training class, hire a personal trainer, ride a bike, take a dance class, whatever motivates you to get moving.

From my experience, I have seen that success comes from exercising 3-4 times per week for 30 minutes each time. If you feel too out of shape, begin your exercise program gently and gradually. Start by exercising only five minutes a day, but do it every day. Incrementally increase the time on a weekly basis-say, five additional minutes per week. By the end of the sixth week, you'll be up to 30 minutes. Be prepared to not only lose weight, but feel stronger, more energized, and happier.

I hope this article helps you reach your healthy weight! I invite you to visit www.step4wardfitness.com and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me. In fact come join my class!