
Get Trim in 2010

When the Oklahoma wind blows a 10 degree wind chill, some of us would rather hibernate than exercise. But this New Year, resolve to be a healthy weight and knock off the pounds put on in 2009, ‘08, ‘07.

Tips to get you rollin’

1. Five small meals a day for weight loss

After age 20, your metabolism slows down by about 10 percent every decade, which could be one reason you gain weight when you eat like you did when you were younger. This metabolic decline can be reversed by adopting the habit of eating five small meals a day instead of three larger ones. It is never a good idea to eat a large meal at one sitting because your body can only use a certain amount of calories and will store the rest as fat. It is also never a good idea to eat only one meal a day or none at all; eating very little food confuses your body into thinking it is starving and slows down your metabolism, resulting in weight gain in the long run. YIKES!

2. Lose weight without losing the nutrients

Focus on nutrition, not on dieting. To many of us, the word "diet" may conjure up images of giving up foods we enjoy and eating bland foods. Depriving the body of food or going to extremes with a few recommended foods goes against our metabolism. Even if your diet has you losing weight, the results generally don't last when you are missing valuable nutrients, which will have a negative impact on your body in the long run.

3. More liquids, less weight

If you haven't been drinking enough water, your body may have developed a pattern of storing water. This water retention equals extra unwanted weight. By increasing fluids, you are flushing out toxins and teaching your body that it no longer needs to store water. If the thought of plain water makes your nose go in the air, add lemon slices, just avoid adding chemical flavors. Think clean.

4. A slimming morning ritual

Never skip breakfast! The morning is when your body needs energy the most, and then your body has the rest of the day to burn the calories off. Stick to healthy foods.

5. Get physical

Everyone knows that exercise is an important component in weight loss. Physical activity speeds up your metabolism and burns excess calories. If your goal is to slim down, be as physically active as possible. Always choose the stairs over the elevator, and use your legs instead of a vehicle whenever you can.

Make exercise fun for yourself, grab your friends or make new ones and join a group training class, hire a personal trainer, ride a bike, take a dance class, whatever motivates you to get moving.

From my experience, I have seen that success comes from exercising 3-4 times per week for 30 minutes each time. If you feel too out of shape, begin your exercise program gently and gradually. Start by exercising only five minutes a day, but do it every day. Incrementally increase the time on a weekly basis-say, five additional minutes per week. By the end of the sixth week, you'll be up to 30 minutes. Be prepared to not only lose weight, but feel stronger, more energized, and happier.

I hope this article helps you reach your healthy weight! I invite you to visit and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me. In fact come join my class!