
The Power of Positive Thinking

If attitude is half the battle in losing weight, how can you trade your negative outlook for a positive one?
One thing that helps me though the days is this, I look at myslef in the mirror & tell myself good things about myself. Sure there are plenty of negatives to shout out, however, what good does that do me. I have people in my life that will remind me of the things I don't do right! I need self talk that is strong enough to overload the negative obstacles in my daily living!  AMEN!
Believing in yourself is both the hardest and most necessary ingredient in successfully changing your lifestyle. But, erasing years of negative thought is easier said than done.

Negative self-talk, the conversation you have with yourself in which you convince yourself you're not capable of achieving your goals, is at the root of the problem.

How often have you told yourself, "I can't do this", "Who am I kidding?" or "I won't stick with it, I never do."

It's a self-defeating habit that keeps you frozen in your tracks. Negative self-talk is part of a defense mechanism individuals develop to protect themselves from having to experience feelings and emotions they fear as unpleasant. Frequently, people focus on their past performances and failures as being predictive of how they will act in the future. This gives your past experiences the power to dictate who you are today.

The first step toward positive thinking is erasing the negative thoughts that poke holes in your confidence. Before you can accomplish this you must become aware of the negative self-talk as soon as possible. Next, retrace to find where it came from and why. When you confront the fear or emotion, it loses its power over you.

Once you realize this, you've cleared the way for positive thinking. Unlike negative self-talk, positive thinking focuses on what's right rather than what's wrong.

Positive thinkers affirm themselves; they tell themselves they're worthwhile, in control and headed toward success. They visualize themselves as they want to be. In fact, mental visualization can help speed the process of change. The mind is a powerful tool. What you put your attention on grows.

The best time for visualization is in the morning just after awakening or at night just before sleeping. Both times are good because the mind and body are often relaxed and receptive. These are perfect times to think light and see yourself as a lean, capable, happy and confident person.

Create a detailed picture that best defines your image of success, whether you're gracefully sweating your way through an exercise class or ordering a low-fat meal at your favorite restaurant.

In addition, you may want to take a moment to write down all your positive attributes. Post them where you can see them every day to remind yourself that you're worth the effort.