
Twas the week after Christmas...

Twas the week after Christmas and all through the city,
Not a person was pleased with their weight, what a pity.
A Fitness Trainer devised such a plan,
To fight our love handles and be the best that we can.
So wipe off that frown and post Christmas blues,
2011 has a plan just for you!
9 weeks of heart thumping, lifting, and sweating,
Muscle toning, stretching, and a whole lot of begging.
No mercy will be shown for that pecan pie belly.
If you have any questions you need to call Shelley


Couch Potato to RED HOT Tomato

January 10 – March 10

Mon, Wed, Thurs
9:00 am
Mon, Tues, Thurs
5:45 pm

All class access
Body Composition (before and after)
Weekly weigh in


2011 Get Your Health on PROGRAM!

Couch Potato to Red Hot Tomato!




January 10 – March 10
Program Includes
9 weeks (all class access)
Body composition (before & after)
Nutrition Accountability
Weekly weigh in
Stretching DVD

9:00 am (Monday, Wednesday & Thursday)
5:45 pm (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday)

Contact Shelley


Can't I just eat less and skip meals?

It's naturally what we want to do - but it's not quite right. "I must lose weight so I'm gonna starve myself". This is where things get a bit confusing. Starve the body too much, and it gets the hint and slows down - you'll feel irritable, fatigued, and begin to lose muscle as well as fat. After clawing your way through hunger pangs and dreams of food, the chances are you will binge, or start eating back how you used to. Guess what happens? The weight piles on because your body is still in "slow" mode. Fat loss is all about calorie reduction, but a calorie intake that is too low will cause problems.


Get Accountable in 2011

There are hundreds of diet books and weight loss programs out there. Many of them have terrific claims, but remember:

 There is no one-size-fits-all weight loss program.

 There are no magic bullets or miracle instant cures.

 There is absolutely EVERY chance that you can transform yourself.

 It is completely possible for you to lose the fat and get healthier.

 Believe in yourself.

Get accountable and get support. Join my "Fitness Crew" Step4ward Fitness Training can help you, encourage you, and reach your goals.

I know that step is not easy, believe me I have been training for 20+ years.  However, I have yet to meet anyone who followed through with their initial step that was unhappy with their weight loss & strength gains.

Do it! Make the Change!


New Year Resolutions! STOP joking with yourself

It comes the time of year when people begin “declaring change” will happen this year. For most, January first is RESOLUTION time.

Does your past resolutions resemble the following?
2004: I will get my weight down below 180
2005: I will watch my calories until I get below 190
2006: I will follow my new diet religiously until I get below 200
2007: I will try to develop a realistic attitude about my weight
2008: I will work out 5 days a week
2009: I will work out 3 days a week
2010: I will try to drive past a gym at least once a week

Are you sick of making the same resolutions year after year and yet never keep them?

Here are some resolutions that you can actually accomplish!
1. Read less
2. Put on at least 30 pounds
3. Stop exercising
4. Watch more TV
5. Procrastinate more
6. Drink 5 Dr Peppers a day & not the diet stuff
7. Partially hydrogenated – Oh YES
8. Spend more time at work
9. Eat out more
10. and last but not least...Take up a new habit: maybe smoking!

Enough joking...
Need help following through with your 2011 healthy living resolutions, you should try an accountability partner that will not let you off the hook!

Free consultation for those who are serious about making a difference


Will being a Vegetarian help me lose weight?

"If I become a vegetariarn will I lose weight?"

Some vegetarians become carbohydraters, meaning they fill the void of good for you lean meats with processed starches. Examples would be french fries and breads.These choices do not fill you for long and you will end up eating more. The secret to a slim vegetarian isn't isn't what they don't eat it's what they do eat. Lots and lots of water - rich veggies which have most of the nutrients, as well as filling fiber (and you know my attitudeon fiber!)

Whether you eat meat or not remember to fill your plate three quarters with PRODUCE at every meal!
Happy eating