

There is a one liner that rings in my ears weekly. We have all said it at one time or another, some of us are just more willing to say it over and over and over. Read the following statement outloud... I will start on Monday. Sound familiar?

Most people dread accepting responsibility. That’s just a fact of life, and we can see it in motion every day. Yes, the avoidance of responsibility in both our personal and professional lives. And here’s something else we can see just as often: We can see that most people aren’t as successful as they wish they were. Do you see there is a connection between these two very common phenomena?

I will start exercising on Monday, I will go on a diet on Monday, I will drink more water and less pop on Monday, I will get more sleep next Monday.  Guess what? It is the middle of October and you are running out of Monday's. Do you plan on a repeat in 2010!