
Establish Healthy Eating HABITS

Look over your eating habits. Write them down. Cross off the unhealthy choices & replace them with healthy ones. Now follow that for a few days & re-evaluate. You have to have a plan.


Closet Garbage Eaters

I must agree from the mouth of Tony Horton (P90X)

You know who you are. You’ve got all the answers and your lousy at taking sound advice because it’s easier to be lazy. The tilt-a-whirl of disappointment goes round and round and you pretend everything is okay. You’re not fooling anyone and everyone else knows what you’re up to. It’s easy to lack self discipline because you’re not alone. Misery loves company.

I’m sick and tired of hearing why you can’t stop eating crap. Stop blaming your thyroid, boyfriend, childhood and ancestry because it’s not working. The problem is your inability to face reality. The real issues are your lack of accountability, willpower, determination and the lousy company you keep. It’s also your lame plan or lack there of. Your reasons why suck and you don’t tell the truth about what you stuff in your face when no one is looking.

Your horrendous eating habits is the American terrorist within. If the level of disease caused by unhealthy choices continues at this alarming rate then we will destroy ourselves without any help from the bad guys. Fad diets, pills and miracle potions used to lose weight never work in the long term and they never will. Dozens of studies show that calorie control diets that still allow you to eat forms of unhealthy food always fail. I’ve never met anyone who started a “weight lose only” diet and stayed on it. So you lost 50 pounds and kept it off for 5 years. Why did you gain it all back in 6 months during year six? Are you proud of that?

When diet deprivation becomes too much the closet eating begins. Your reasons for falling off the wagon are plenty and you’ll defend them till you’re blue in the face. Good for you for choosing the option that required you to be lazy again. Choosing gluttony is no way to build your manifesto my friend. What is your reason for being on this earth? Why do you really put that garbage in your mouth? Do you want to know why? Do you want to look at it closely? Do you care enough?


Step4ward....Strength & Power are waiting for you!

Step4ward Fitness SUMMER Training Schedule

Click on the words above to see the 2011 SummerTraining Schedule
Groups are subject to change (deleted or added)
If you have a group of friends and would like to develop a time other than listed by all means let me know!


My Daily Food Intake

People ask me allot, "What do you eat to look the way you look?" Well, sorry to admit there is no secret formula and no tricks up my sleeve. Why would I as a personal trainer hide a special formula to stay lean & healthy! My desire is to have all my clients lean and mean. That is a secret that would make me RICH! ha ha
However, the formula was discovered a long time ago. The problem is very few people are willing to walk that road. Just as the gate to heaven is narrow and the road to common is wide. Ok, I shouldn't compare fit & lean to going to heaven...It is just that the road to a healthy & productive body is less travelled.
WHY? It takes self discipline, determination, and sacrifices that people are unwilling to commit. If only they would realize how awesome it can be if they would be convicted about the physical gift we have been given..

Once a person realizes the discipline & sacrifices are worth it...somehow it is no longer a sacrifice.  It becomes a way of life. And when your discipline becomes a way of life YOU become powerful in your choices thus leading to an amazing outcome.

Here is a normal day in the life of Shelley Gray:

6:30 am glass of high quality h2o (tap)

Coffee with powdered creamer and real sugar.


3 eggs and 2 whole wheat toast


Kashi cereal with skim milk


Greek yogurt with FiberOne bar


Almonds and banana


Pineapple and yogurt


High Fiber tortilla (80 calories) with cheddar cheese

12:00 Lunch:

Spinach leaves (a HUGE bunch)
2 Boiled eggs
4 baby carrots
Can of chicken or grilled
Banana Peppers
JalapeƱo peppers
Sunflower seeds
Tomatoes (if worthy)
Maple grove balsamic vinegar


Subway chicken or egg white on Italian bread
loaded veggies


Green chiles



Cliff bar


Fruit and pretzels

7:00 Dinner

Steak, chicken or fish
Salad, Grilled veggies


High fiber tortilla
Black beans
Feta cheese
Spinach leaves


Greek Yogurt
With kasha cereal in it


Skim milk
Total Cereal
AND YES!  I do eat junky food every now & then.  I am a human  I love pizza, cookies & chocolate. I do not let food rule my day. If I did I would eat crappy & feel worse for it. Choosing to eat healthy increases my attitude, productivity and my mood. 
Monitor your mood and tell me junk doesn't make you feel bad.
JUNK makes you:
Light headed
Gastric problems
and Unsatisfied