
Foods that Build Brain Power

Every cell in your body needs a steady supply of oxygen and nutrients in order to stay alive and work properly, including brain cells. Because oxygen and nutrients are carried in the blood stream, anything that impedes blood flow will starve those all-important brain cells. The plain truth is that a healthy heart makes for a healthy brain. So keep your blood pressure and cholesterol in check, exercise regularly, don’t smoke and get at least seven hours of sleep each night. Some foods help the brain work better, some foods drag down brain performance. Be smart and feed your family foods that will make them smart (and also eat these foods yourself, too).

Brain Builders
· Avocados
· Bananas
· Beef, lean
· Berries
· Brewer's yeast
· Broccoli
· Brown rice
· Brussel sprouts
· Cantaloupe

· Cheese
· Chicken
· Collard greens

· Eggs
· Flaxseed oil
· Legumes
· Milk
· Oatmeal
· Oranges
· Peanut butter
· Peas
· Potatoes
· Romaine lettuce
· Salmon
· Soybeans
· Spinach
· Tuna
· Turkey
· Wheat germ

· Yogurt
Brain Drainers
· Alcohol
· Artificial food colorings
· Artificial sweeteners
· Colas
· Corn syrup
· Frostings
· High-sugar "drinks"
· Hydrogenated fats
· Junk sugars
· Nicotine
· Overeating

· White bread