
Hot Topic: Energy Drinks

The consumption of canned, bottled, or mix your own energy drinks come in all sizes. People drink them for various reasons, but most often I see the bottles being popped at the gym. Anything for a good workout, a better workout, the best workout! They are magically delicious, only not always so magical & not so delicious.

People ask, "What do you do for energy?" Not considerng my ADHD is unmedicated (little laugh)...I start my day with coffee & yes I add creamer & sweetner. When the coffee pot is put away till my head hits the pillow, my energy comes from the foods I eat & water. Oh believe me, I have tried all sorts of energy supplements. Some threw my body into a nervous mess, some made me feel like pinching heads off, every once in a while I got the "all time high" workout, while others made me hungry. None good enough to warrant the expense.

Some time has passed since I last used energy boosters. With all the rave of new "stuff" I decided to try some of the most popular products seen on the market or in my friends hands. Sure there are some I have not tried & will not try. Calorie & sugar content are important. Staying clear of the jiggies & a trip to the ER. And I wanted a decent flavor. Too much to ask?

My conclusion was FRS. You can read about it & go to the website for more info. If you are looking for a pick-er-upper it is pretty good & from information gathered has other health benefits. The price at GNC is nearly $10 for 4 cans. That crazy Redline (some of you drink) is about the same price.

FRS was originally tested and refined by doctors at the Harvard University Dana Farber Cancer Institute as a fatigue fighting and general health drink. It was then discovered by endurance athletes who found that it boosted and sustained their peak athletic performance while supporting their overall health. Now FRS is used by anyone who wants a sustained healthy energy boost.

The key ingredient in FRS is Quercetin. (pronounced: KWAIR-suh-ten) Quercetin is a natural antioxidant found in the skins of apples, blueberries, and onions. It protects the adrenaline that your body naturally creates to give you energy for small daily tasks like staying awake at work and big events like running a marathon. Quercetin allows your body to use energy more efficiently so you feel more energy for a longer amount of time.

All Quercetin isn't the same though. FRS uses only the highest purity Quercetin available and combines it with a patented mix of vitamins, metabolic enhancers, and antioxidants to allow your body to fully absorb it. The Quercetin in FRS is the only Quercetin with official FDA GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) status.

In addition to boosting energy, Quercetin has been studied by the US government for its immune system boosting properties. You can read about the US DARPA funded study as well as other independent studies at