
Stimulate yourself towards positive action in your life.

Break free from depressing thoughts that prevent you from standing tall.

We Are Responsible

FEBRUARY 6 – March 29

What will you gain?

Make the better choices in bad situations

Accountability from a group & your Personal Coach

A Coach that has a passion for your success

Posture & Strength

Workout & Sweat (necessary evil)

Prove to yourself you are WORTH IT 


8 weeks

Weekly weigh in

Measurements & Body composition

Pre & Post Photo

$180 (that’s only $22 a week!)


FEBRUARY 4, Saturday 10:00

Contact Shelley



Taking BIG Bites

Dutch researchers recently found that big bites and fast chewing can lead to overeating. In the study, people who chewed large bites of food for 3 seconds consumed 52 percent more food before feeling full than those who chewed small bites for 9 seconds. The reason: Tasting food for a longer period of time (no matter how much of it you bite off) signals your brain to make you feel full sooner, say the scientists.
(I read this in Men's Health magazine)